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Search results

  1. Fagun Shah

    How to specify a Path Parameter in Pabbly API

    Ise {{id}} and not {id}, or you can just map he value there directly.
  2. Fagun Shah

    How to Integrate Delay and Iterator with Google Sheets, to send contacts eg interval 1 minute apart?

    You can control the webhook triggering speed by using something like Hookdeck in between as well -
  3. Fagun Shah

    WhatsApp msg to every Sessions Event registrant

    If you don't find any answers, hit me up on facebook(link below) for a paid consultation. I have setup similar kind of workflow for my other clients.
  4. Fagun Shah

    Number Formatter Question - Aggregate data from API dynamically

    You need to turn off simple response toggle of your API action step and hen click on save & send test request again to get out in array format. Use that in Data Transformer - Line Itemizer action. That will vie you all the orders' totals comma separated. Use that in your number formatter step.
  5. Fagun Shah

    Remainder sequencing

    This logic needs to be implemented -
  6. Fagun Shah

    Pabbly Not Able to Handle API Request?

    What do you want to do with the QR code later on? Because you don't need API step at all if you just want to embed QR code in something like Gmail's HTML body as image -
  7. Fagun Shah

    How to monitor web page content?

    Try Pagescreen - https://pagescreen.io/
  8. Fagun Shah

    Capturing Coded Form Data and Sending SMS Alerts via Pabbly Connect

    You need to send data to pabbly webhook by making a HTTP POST request to pabbly webhook url ,on form submit event. How to do that depends on your development skills.
  9. Fagun Shah

    Local time of a new contact

    Then you have to use other form builder.
  10. Fagun Shah

    WhatsApp msg to every Sessions Event registrant

    Try to use it first, then tell me.
  11. Fagun Shah

    Local time of a new contact

    Then you need a form builder that detects the location and timezone on the backend based on IP Address. Or take zipcode from user and then use some other api in pabbly API action to get the timezone based on zip code.
  12. Fagun Shah

    Local time of a new contact

    You need to make sure that your lead form has timezone dropdown matching pabbly connect's date and time formatter actions' timezone dropdown. That way you will be able to capture the lead's timezone and map that in date-time formatter actions dynamically.
  13. Fagun Shah

    WhatsApp msg to every Sessions Event registrant

    You should keep using ''New Registration Webhook data" but as a 2nd step you need to use this action - Get a Specific Session, that should give you meeting name, date and time information.
  14. Fagun Shah

    Top up task

    You can stack monthly plan on top of your current yearly plan. Then you can cancel your monthly plan after few days, so it doesn't renew.
  15. Fagun Shah

    Pabbly connect suddenly yesterday not receiving web hooks. pabbly issue it seems. anyone else? how to test

    Working fine for me, yesterday and today as well. You can test it simply by opening a new tab in browser - paste your webhookk url and add ?data=test to check
  16. Fagun Shah

    problem salad

    You have to use RPA tools like Zerowork or Robomotion in between to get the MP3 URL and then use that for Salad step.
  17. Fagun Shah

    problem salad

    Salad doesn't support YouTube or Tiktok URLs, you need to pass direct video URLs, ending with .mp4 or direct audio url ending with .mp3
  18. Fagun Shah

    Salad Transcription API Problem

    Can check if you try get it by Job Id in next step, it shows Input SRT as 1 or 0?
  19. Fagun Shah

    Salad Transcription API Problem

    Make sure you have selected SRT as True - And check if the response shows Input srt as '1'
  20. Fagun Shah

    Salad Transcription API Problem

    Can you share the screenshot of Data Out or Response of the first salad action step? Check if it has SRT value as 1 or 0.