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Search results

  1. sdamceski

    email splitter not working properly

    Well in the Text (Required) field we need to have the body text message so that the text formatter will reference to it to find and extract the information we are seeking. Thats how I understand this to work. In this situation we have a line of text that has <phone type="home">(888)...
  2. sdamceski

    email splitter not working properly

    Thank you. I got it figured out and its working fine. However I have another question related to this. Is it possible for the text parser lets say it is suppose to extract the phone number from this line "<phone type="home">(888) 888-8888</phone>" in the text match after we will add <phone...
  3. sdamceski

    chatgpt assistant integration with ghl

    Hi, Do you guys have a tutorial or video how we should use the integration with openai to connect an chatgpt assistant bot with gohighlevel through webhook?
  4. sdamceski

    email splitter not working properly

    I'm have a workflow where an lead email is received in the Pabbly Email Parser in adf format. That is also the trigger of this workflow. Then we use text formatter/text parser to extract specific information in our example is the lead information which is First Name, Last Name, Phone Number...