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Search results

  1. luis.polasek

    Notion to Google Calendar

    I am having a problem which is not working. Can you please help me out Task History ID: IjU3NjIwNTY1MDYzMTA0MzU1MjZlNTUzMjUxMzc1MTZiNTQzOCI_3D_pc Step Name: Google Calendar > Create an Event Connection Name: Google Calendar #1 Task Error Detail: { "error > errors > 0 > domain": "global"...
  2. luis.polasek

    Is there a way to increment sync time?

    I would like to decrease....I want as soon as possible as I add in my notion to be added to my calendar https://connect.pabbly.com/workflow/share/DkYDMVUCAmFeFFI4A1ADJF1JV1MBWFI2Vk8HFVVaAHhXGlEqAUAIYg9DWXtfFAdmBUxXPVUJDDELH1ZSCV8CcQQKCBpWVQF7Uh9VLgFQDT4OUAMrVTQ#
  3. luis.polasek

    Is there a way to increment sync time?

  4. luis.polasek

    Is there a way to increment sync time?

    I would like to crease, right now I cannot do anything
  5. luis.polasek

    Is there a way to increment sync time?

    The question is how do I decrease or increase?
  6. luis.polasek

    Is there a way to increment sync time?

    I have used Pabbly to connect Notion to Google Calendar. When I add an item in Notion, it says it will take 8 hours. 8hours is not useful to me. Is there a way I can increase the sync time? Best regards
  7. luis.polasek

    Notion to Google Calendar

    I recently started using a Time Box planner in Notion. I would like the event calendar that I create inside Notion to automatically be synced to my google Calendar. How can I achieve this? Hopfully I can receive an answer, Best regards, Luis