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Search results

  1. Matt2012

    Need Pabbly to return a single JSON object

    I have a json object formatted in Pabbly Code, but even with Simple Response disabled I still get multiple responses. I think this is because 1 of the properties is an array. var x = { 'a':'test', 'b':'test', 'c':['x':'test','y'...]...
  2. Matt2012

    Issues with GA4 (Google Analytics)

    Hi @Supreme Still nothing https://www.awesomescreenshot.com/image/36056836?key=722aed6852ba8944b526ff20cba922a2
  3. Matt2012

    Issues with GA4 (Google Analytics)

    Yes I took a look. It doesn’t clarify my specific questions about custom events and audiences which are defined in the metrics and dimensions link. I think I’m getting an error message but I can’t see it perhaps that would help?
  4. Matt2012

    Issues with GA4 (Google Analytics)

    Im having a couple of issues with GA4 implementation. I can run a report for a simple metric like active1DayUsers filtered by active1DayUsers (not sure why necessary) But I can't run it for custom events like customEvent:parameterName[journey_begin] or customEvent:journey_begin Or filter by...