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Search results

  1. tonynguyenvn

    How to schedule get Page insight everyday ?

    Hello, I need to schedule a daily page reach report. Get the results of the last 7 days. Report via google sheet. I configured as follows but it is an error, please guide me. Tks all !!!!
  2. tonynguyenvn

    best chatgpt API price

    Hello everyone, I researched and did not have accurate information about the price of chatgpt api. You don't need the best or newest model, just the cheapest. So which model in the picture below is the cheapest? thank you !!
  3. tonynguyenvn

    Any facebook or twitter or instagram to facebook page

    exampale : fanpafe of auto post you to fanpage of me, auto copy
  4. tonynguyenvn

    Any facebook or twitter or instagram to facebook page

    Thank you, but the article title I mentioned is taken from any page's article. is not in my account. of opponents
  5. tonynguyenvn

    Any facebook or twitter or instagram to facebook page

    Hello, I want to automatically retrieve posts from a facebook/twitter/instagram page to my facebook page, is there any way? except using the rss method