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Search results

  1. R

    What are the Banners field for in Nifty create task / subtask?

    Custom fields work fine, thank you! For the tags, can that also be added as a field to the "Create Task" action too please? (also be good to have "Start Date" field added to the 'Create Task' action too)
  2. R

    What are the Banners field for in Nifty create task / subtask?

    OK, thanks for the swift reply and that's great about the 'tags'. Are you also adding custom fields?
  3. R

    What are the Banners field for in Nifty create task / subtask?

    What are the Banners field for in Nifty create task / subtask? I can't work it out at all. Related; need to be able to add Tags (e.g. 'High Priority') to the tasks. Thought banners might be that, but can't configure them if so.
  4. R

    A manual approval action step?

    That's great! How/where do i configure that in Pabbly? (i can use chatgpt to help with the details, if you can point me to the modules/tools? Or a helpdoc, if there is one?)
  5. R

    A manual approval action step?

    Thanks, but that wouldn't work as, if there needs to be an A or B choice for the manual step, which would change the rest of the flow needed (e.g. should trigger a router step). Is there a way of firing a webhook trigger from a URL button link click? Or, a firing a different kind of trigger...
  6. R

    A manual approval action step?

    Is there any way to insert a step in a workflow that will pause the flow midway through pending manual approval? (e.g. a Yes/No button, where clicking it will unpause the workflow (and depending on the button pressed you can then use routers to continue the flow)
  7. R

    Issue with Due Date's in Nifty Task Creation not working

    I've got a workflow that has a Date/Time formatter step: That Response is being mapped to the Due Date field in a Nifty > Create Task action: Unfortunately, that's not working; in Nifty I get a task due date of a couple of days from now instead. I'm guessing it is an issue with the time...
  8. R

    How to route a workflow relying on a Gist contact being true/false

    I have a workflow that has a Gist > Fetch Contact action, by using their Email. Sometimes the Contact exists in my Gist CRM, sometimes not. If they exist, I then need to check for a specific contact property before continuing my flow. My issue is: [1] If they exist I can check for the...
  9. R

    Nifty.pm List Object IDs

    With Nifty.pm we have the actions to get an Object by ID. But I can't see a clear way to obtain all Object IDs. You can't get them from the Nifty.pm application itself, nor do they seem to provide a direct API token to users. Can we have an Action in Pabbly "List All IDs by Object" and then be...
  10. R

    Can we get our API token from a Connection?

    I have a connection to Nifty.pm. The connection was authorised via their own flow, without me entering (or receiving) an API token. Is there a way I can see that token?
  11. R

    Create Task in Nifty not dynamically entering Project ID

    I have this workflow that has step 13 that pulls in a Nifty project ID from a Google Sheet: In step 14 I have a Nifty PM: Create Task action. For the Project ID field I have it set to Map (on) and am using the Step 13 project ID value: Note that it's the same ID. However, the task is...
  12. R

    Error 999 when trying to create a task to Nifty

    I'm sorry, I've solved it! It was an error concerning the assignee for the task (the ID was incorrect). My apologies!
  13. R

    Error 999 when trying to create a task to Nifty

    Apologies! That would have certainly helped!! https://connect.pabbly.com/workflow/mapping/IjU3NjUwNTY4MDYzMjA0MzQ1MjY1NTUzMjUxMzAi_pc
  14. R

    Error 999 when trying to create a task to Nifty

    I have a workflow that I'm setting up (TEST FLOW - DO NOT USE!) that will create a task in Nifty. I've filled in most of the fields, but a couple don't seem relevant (see screenshot): I'm getting the error code 999, but I don't know what that is or how to troubleshoot it. Please help!
  15. R

    WordPress Get Posts List by Author or Email action

    In your WordPress integration, can we please have the action to List all posts (including CPTs) by Author or Email? I want to be able to search using either the Author name or email and return a list of their posts including the Post IDs. Is this possible?
  16. R

    Insert New Post to Custom Post Type

    In your Wordpress Search a Post by ID Action Event you can search by Post Types, including CPTs. I'm just wondering if this was a recent update, and therefore if you can search CPTs you could now add the functionality to your WordPress integration to post them too? (as I know other integrations...
  17. R

    Can't set up API connection to Bettermode

    Ah, OK. Thanks for that. Is there any other module/workaround to do that in Pabbly?
  18. R

    Can't set up API connection to Bettermode

    Is that not the endpoint URL in the screenshot of my API module settings in my initial post: https://api.bettermode.de According to their help docs, getting access is a three-step process: 1) Create App and publish it in your community (done) 2) Perform API request (generating an app access...
  19. R

    Now that Tribe has rebranded to Bettermode, will the Tribe integration still work?

    Cheers for the update! I'm sad because, with only two votes, I can't imagine it'll be anything quick!
  20. R

    Can't set up API connection to Bettermode

    Goal: I'm trying to use the API by Pabbly Action to create a new user in Bettermode. As per the first part of Bettermode's instructions, I have created and published an App to my Bettermode community (which has given me a Client ID, Client Secret and Signing Secret) which I need to use to...