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Search results

  1. M

    turn a text string into a date

    i have text in the form dd/mm/yyyy but i need to make it a date in that format to send to my airtable - how do i do it
  2. M


    when i click on that it takes me to a 3 year subscription
  3. M


    I have been burned by longer subscriptions on integromat and zapier which makes me wary of getting either lifetime or yearl until I see how reasonably pabbly deals with my needs. So why cant I find a montlhy subscrition option while I try it out?
  4. M

    I am getting multiple records added to airtable

    Hi. I am running a filtered workflow however it seems to be addiing multiple recordss to airtable on about 8 minute intervals. it looks like the workflow is "repolling" the office365 account and seeing the email there as new. Should I be falgging it or something?
  5. M

    Office 365 Calendar

    wont this trigger when the new event is created in the calendar? what i want is to creat a recordc when then event happens
  6. M

    Google Sheet -> Pabbly -> Airtable

    I dont think so - this is the airtable field configuration: and the date for the workflow is in the incorrect configuration in airtable
  7. M

    Office 365 Calendar

    I am evaluating a move from zapier. I have a zap which checks my calendar and adds a record to airtable for each even 15 mins prior to each event to remind me to report on the event. I cant see that pabbly lets me get the data for an event in this way.
  8. M

    Google Sheet -> Pabbly -> Airtable

    Im having a similar issue