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Search results

  1. B

    How to post on several facebook pages with datas coming from 1 google sheet

    hello, I have several facebook pages where I post the same articles, I have a list of those articles and publication date in a google sheet. With the delay function, i can schedule posts on one page, but how can I perform the same action in all the other pages? Best regards
  2. B

    facebook posts scheduling from google sheet

    Hello, Thanks for your quick Answer. I've used the delay function and it seems to be working. However, as i'm handling several facebook pages, I've created 2 flow (to test posting on 2 pages at the beginning ). The 2 flows should get their input datas from the same google sheet: -the fisrt...
  3. B

    facebook posts scheduling from google sheet

    Hello, Thanks for the quick answer, here is the url: https://connect.pabbly.com/workflow/mapping/IjU3NjUwNTZjMDYzMDA0MzI1MjY0NTUzMDUxMzYi_pc also, could you please tell me what's the difference between this workflow and this one that uses "delay" function...
  4. B

    facebook posts scheduling from google sheet

    Hello, I'm trying the free version of pabbly to see if it's compatible with my need. I have a google sheet with wp article to poste in a facebook page. I used this video tutorial that does the same thing and it worked for the first line in the list. However, my workflow got deactivated...