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Search results

  1. wgstarks

    Creating a new invoice in Wave

    Sorry but I don’t understand what this is or how to create it.
  2. wgstarks

    Creating a new invoice in Wave

    Update: I have been able to bypass the need for the Lookup Table app by adding the Wave product ID's to my Woocommerce products as an SKU which I can then map the Wave invoice create to the SKU line in Data Transformer. I still can't find a way to get the shipping total into the Wave invoice...
  3. wgstarks

    Creating a new invoice in Wave

    Thanks. I'm working on the modifications but now the Lookup Table app fails when I use the Name item mapped from the Data Transformer app for the lookup key.
  4. wgstarks

    Creating a new invoice in Wave

    I used this youtube video to create a workflow which creates a new invoice in Wave whenever a new order is placed in Woocommerce. Each section works but when I place test orders with multiple items only the first item in the order is added to the Wave invoice. How can I modify the workflow so...
  5. wgstarks

    Wrong date format in webhook

    Thanks. I’ll check out the video. Appreciate the help with this.
  6. wgstarks

    Wrong date format in webhook

    I saw that suggested in another thread but I don’t understand how to add that to my workflow and map it into the wave action?
  7. wgstarks

    Wrong date format in webhook

    I have created a workflow which takes new orders from my woocommerce site and adds a new customer in wave. Then it creates a new invoice in wave. The problem is that the date provided in the webhook is yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm (2023-11-13T13:30). Wave requires the date to not include the time. I have...