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Search results

  1. roundedhexagon

    Aitable file upload

    @Supreme is this feature on the roadmap or there is an ETA for this? I am not in hurry, but I try to figure out, if is something what I can expect soon or there is no big chance to get this anytime soon (let's say this year).
  2. roundedhexagon

    Aitable file upload

    Hi @Supreme ! The field type in AITable is called "Attachment". Are there any plans to support multipart and direct attachment-type fields anytime soon? Thank you!
  3. roundedhexagon

    Aitable file upload

    Hi @Supreme This is it: https://connect.pabbly.com/workflow/mapping/IjU3NjUwNTZhMDYzZTA0M2Q1MjZlNTUzZDUxMzEi_pc Thank you for your time!
  4. roundedhexagon

    Aitable file upload

    Hi guys, I am using Fluent forms to collect leads and add it to Aitable as new entries. The leads are basically files (attachments) and some text fields (adding text fields is fine, so far so great). I have some issues adding attachments using API. I used Pabbly's API widget and imported the...