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Search results

  1. S

    Socketlabs integration not working

    That does not fix the issue. Creating line breaks is not a problem. I'm using p tags as you can see. The problem is that the field is extremely unforgiving to the user. Nowhere does it say you cannot put line breaks. But even so, the way your components are designed, line breaks are almost...
  2. S

    Socketlabs integration not working

    Please fix this poorly written Socketlabs integration code.
  3. S

    Socketlabs integration not working

    That is from the socket labs api docs. I had to try to figure out what “invaliddata” (the error message pabbly gave me) means. So I looked it up. Please re-read this thread and it will make sense. As I wrote, here’s the issue for your devs: The socket labs integration does not escape new...
  4. S

    Socketlabs integration not working

    I cannot publicly due to privacy but here's the URL, so you can look up the hash or ID: https://connect.pabbly.com/workflow/mapping/IjU3NjUwNTZlMDYzZTA0MzY1MjY4NTUzMDUxMzAi_pc
  5. S

    Socketlabs integration not working

    I've confirmed it's line breaks that cause the "invaliddata" error. Bug report to your devs: Socketlabs integration does not properly encode the field for message body, leading to a failed request in case one or more new lines are used in the HTML Body field.
  6. S

    Socketlabs integration not working

    Secondly, the HTML Body field does not allow new lines. Again, the integration should properly encode the data and strip new lines.
  7. S

    Socketlabs integration not working

    Did some digging. The issue is that some of the fields are not properly encoded, so they cannot be used in the HTML Body field as they are. The Socketlabs integration needs to properly encode the data in the HTML Body and Text Body fields.
  8. S

    Socketlabs integration not working

    Reports "invaliddata" which according to the API docs (https://docs.socketlabs.com/#8649292e-6b30-4fd2-8050-907897ffd959) means: InvalidData - PostBody parameter does not have a valid structure, or contains invalid or missing data. Look under "Delivery Return Codes" in the docs...
  9. S

    Custom domain for pabbly connect webhook url

    If your website supports PHP (what Wordpress uses), you could simply put a script there that forwards the webhook request. You might even be able to do it with a simple Wordpress Redirection plugin that forwards all the request headers. If not, this should work...
  10. S

    The new date formatter doesn't support email header dates

    Custom workflow. I wrote to you about this earlier this year. Still no fix :(
  11. S

    Task usage on dashboard is confusing

    That doesn't provide the information I need. I figured out what workflow used all those tasks, despite the confusing dashboard. The problem is this: It looks like the black text shows the total usage (paid + free). But it shows paid, and the free is shown below in green. The total task usage...
  12. S

    The new date formatter doesn't support email header dates

    I cannot upgrade to the new date formatter since it no longer supports the date format needed to parse email header dates. It doesn't seem like you checked how your app was used before you decided to change it.
  13. S

    Task usage on dashboard is confusing

    That wasn't all clear... How can I find out what workflows are using all these paid tasks? The paid tasks in the task usage column in the list of workflows doesn't add up to more than a few hundred.
  14. S

    Task usage on dashboard is confusing

    I can see that some workflows use over 8,000 tasks, but it's impossible to see which ones. The highest using workflow uses only free tasks, or that's how I read it. Either way, this page needs some serious UX work. Right now it makes no sense.
  15. S

    BUG: Pabbly doesn't escape URLs _at all_

    And again, people might want to reply to learn the specifics in case they search the forum and look for answers: https://forum.pabbly.com/threads/html-emails-to-pdf-advice.2969/#post-14268
  16. S

    Call workflow task

    Thank you. Good to know!
  17. S

    BUG: Pabbly doesn't escape URLs _at all_

    By the way, you might want to keep this open in case people have questions: https://forum.pabbly.com/threads/how-to-create-a-dropbox-file-from-email-content-using-email-parser-and-pabbly-api.2975/ I dont see why you locked it.
  18. S

    BUG: Pabbly doesn't escape URLs _at all_

    Yes, by deleting the leading "http://", encoding the string and then prefixing it with http:// again... ugly. It's a workaround. Not a proper solution. It adds two unnecessary workflow steps. You need to pass properly escaped URLs to the services you integrate with.
  19. S

    BUG: Pabbly doesn't escape URLs _at all_

    Turns out it doesn't escape anything as characters like å and ø also results in Dropbox failing due to being passed a misformed URL. The workaround is to use Text Formatter instead. Still, it's an unnecessary step that shouldn't be needed.
  20. S

    How to create a Dropbox file from email content using Email Parser and Pabbly API

    If anyone else is struggling with this, here's a solution. It requires that you create a Dropbox app in the App console (https://www.dropbox.com/developers/apps) and gives it file write permissions and generate an access (bearer) token. The file will be created as...