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Search results

  1. O

    Infusionsoft by Keap - Custom Fields

    @Supreme How do I get to this page? Please assume I have never used Pabbly.
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    Infusionsoft by Keap - Custom Fields

    @Supreme I was able to create a NEW connection to Keap and see the custom fields. Is there a way to manage all these connections so I can delete the old ones? Or am I supposed to create a new connection each time with an incremental identifier?
  3. O

    Infusionsoft by Keap - Custom Fields

    Hi @Supreme , I did have to reconnect my Infusionsoft account when I setup this workflow yesterday. I don't see how to disconnect and reconnect my account and I don't see any help docs on it. How do I do that?
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    Infusionsoft by Keap - Custom Fields

    I'm trying to use a webhook to save a URL to a custom field in Infusionsoft / Keap Max Classic. When I select to Create/Update Contact, I only see the standard contact fields, not the custom fields. Is it possible to access and save to the custom fields in Infusionsoft? Thank you
  5. O

    Everwebinar dosen't work as an firt option

    I have the same issue/challenge. EverWebinar pointed me to this page for their API docs: https://documentation.webinarjam.com/category/everwebinar-api/