New Release
Dashboard Update:
- Folder Management:
- Added a folder option in the dashboard.
- Users can now move items between folders easily.
- Bulk Actions for WhatsApp Numbers:
- Added an option to delete multiple WhatsApp numbers at once.
- Added an option to activate/deactivate multiple WhatsApp numbers simultaneously.
- WhatsApp Number Deletion Policy Updates:
- Deleting a WhatsApp number will now remove all associated data from Contacts, Broadcasts, Flows, Templates, and Chats.
- Instead of immediate deletion, a 72-hour backup window is now in place before permanent removal.
- Team Member Access Controls:
- Team members will now only see allowed WhatsApp numbers in their home folder.
- Migrated all previously created WhatsApp numbers into the home folder for better organization.
- Implemented a socket re-try connect mechanism to improve connection stability.
- Flow Builder API Request Node - Contact Custom Fields Mapping Enhancements:
1. Now supports mapping the entire response object into custom fields.
2. Contact custom fields can now be passed in the body of the API request node.
3. Interactive messages exceeding 1024 characters will be trimmed and displayed with a "(continued...)" message. - Meta Text Limit Note:
- Meta supports a text limit of 1024 characters.
- If a button is added within the text node, this limit applies as it falls under an interactive message.
- If the text node does not contain a button, it is not considered an interactive message, and the message length can exceed 1024 characters.
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