Currently we have to use different workflows in different sheets Google Sheets to populate it. However, this will create various Google worksheets.
If i want to enter data in a single sheet with all kinds of data from multiple sources, and different workflows / router app / filter app to work on it, how is it possible.
If i enter data manually, I guess it possible, but that will defeat the whole purpose of automation.
Workflows should populate data in a single Google Sheet and different workflows should process data based on requirements but from a single Google Sheet......HOW ????
Currently we have to use different workflows in different sheets Google Sheets to populate it. However, this will create various Google worksheets.
If i want to enter data in a single sheet with all kinds of data from multiple sources, and different workflows / router app / filter app to work on it, how is it possible.
If i enter data manually, I guess it possible, but that will defeat the whole purpose of automation.
Workflows should populate data in a single Google Sheet and different workflows should process data based on requirements but from a single Google Sheet......HOW ????