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How to create Insta to Wordpress Photo Post?


How to create photo post on wordpress whenever any new photo with description posted on Instagram.

I am not able to create photo post on word press.

I want that, whenever i posted any photo with description on Instagram than this photo with description should automatically posted on my wordpress website.

Currently I am not able to do this


Hi @jkachhara

We have checked the workflow and found that there was a whitespace showing in the content. We have added Text Formatter and trimmed the whitespace from it. You can now make the workflow live and post the images.



Thanks Pabbly for your response.

Sorry to inform you that still image is not showing on WordPress website (refer attached image).

Please help me, how to display image on website.. also let me know, how to add default category and title for all the posts which ur application will auto post on WordPress website.


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Hi @jkachhara

Could you please try now to post images on Instagram and let us know if you are still not getting images on the WordPress website?


Hi Kunal,

We had posted new image on Instagram but still facing same issue - Images are not showing on Wordpess website. Also we are not able to define Post title and Post category.

please look into this matter and try to give some solution asap.


Hi @jkachhara

We checked the workflow and found that you have not posted the Instagram image link under the "Post Content" section. We posted it and now you will be able to see the image on a WordPress site. If you want you can update the position image of the content from top to bottom or vice-versa then you can update it.

Also make sure that when you post any image in the Post Content section use it under HTML tags as shown in the below screenshot:-


Could you please expalin more about Post title you are referring to? As I can see that you have already mapped Post title in the mappings.



Regarding Post Category and Title..

I want "New Products" as a Default Product Category and "Arhams Presents" as a Default Post Title.
How can we create default category text as well as default category text?


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Well-known member
Staff member
Hey @jkachhara !

Can you let us know that if the "Post Title" field and "Category" field should remain fixed or should change with new data?

If you are looking for the fields to be fixed, in that case, you can directly type in the Post Title with "Arhams Presents" as shown below-


And as for the "Category" field, you can choose the "New Product" from the dropdown field-


Do check on this and let us know if this can work for you.



I tried with your above suggestions.. Directly Mentioned Title text and select the category from drop down menu..

It solved the title and category problem but still image is not showing on my wordpress website (refer attachment).


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Well-known member
Staff member
Hey @jkachhara !

Kindly do a test submission for your workflow "Instagram To WordPress ", as the tech team has made some updates to it.

Hope, to hear from you soon.



I tried by posting new image on Instagram and tested the workflow "Instagram To WordPress ", but still nothing is happening (now nothing is showing on wordpress site) even getting error on response (refer attachment).

Please look into this matter.


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Staff member
Hey @jkachhara!

We have checked you workflow "Instagram To WordPress" and made some changes to it.

Kindly Check the workflow from your end and let us know if its working for you.


Hi Chetali,

I want to post on my another wordpress website if my instagram post contain specific word/hashtag in the caption.

For this, I had created filter in workflow but when i am running this workflow i am getting below error (Screenshot attached):


"Sorry, you are not allowed to create posts as this user."

Please help in this matter.Thanks in advance.


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Hi Kunal,

We had posted new image on Instagram but still facing same issue - Images are not showing on Wordpess website. Also we are not able to define Post title and Post category.

please look into this matter and try to give some solution asap.

We are again facing same issue ( We had posted new image on Instagram but this Images are not showing on my Wordpess website, whereas earlier it was showing properly.)

Seems you have made some changes in your software that's why I am facing lots of issues in each and every workflow.

please look into this matter asap as my all business is suffering due to this.

thanks in advance.