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json ```{"variable":"value"}``` response back from chat GPT is not parseable


I have asked my chat gpt agent to provide the response value as a JSON object, and it is coming into pabbly connect as:

json ```{"variable":"value"}```

But when I do a JSON parser on that it says not a valid JSON object.

When I write a block of code on python, it is saying that

unexpected character after line continuation character (<string>, line 16)

So how do I properly parse this?



Hey @bryannws

Kindly clarify your query a bit more and let us know your workflow name or ID so that we can look into it and suggest you a resolution accordingly.


Hey @bryannws

Please attempt to run your code in a compiler initially and address any errors that arise. We encountered numerous syntax errors when we did the same.
Also, be aware that no technical support will be offered for issues related to code. We strongly advise reviewing the code documentation for additional details and guidance - https://forum.pabbly.com/threads/python-code-by-pabbly.12014/

Let us know if in case you face any issues regarding Pabbly Connect or any error inside Pabble Connect.


Look I call an API with GPT and it returns back the following just like I asked it too. I use the JSON parser on my API return call, and pull out the response from GPT

"Subject": "Exciting Collaboration & Podcast Opportunity!",
"Body": "Hi Ashley,

I’m XXXX and I’ve been following your amazing work on Instagram at url.

We also have an affiliate program where you can earn $14 per sale. If you're interested, just reply to this email, and I’ll send you the details on how to get started.

Additionally, we’d be thrilled to feature you as a guest on one of our podcasts. You can check out our podcast lineup at the url


So my question is, when will you just support GPT natively and not make me build out the GPT api calls myself?

How do I parse that into the two variables I need? JSON parse fails, and so does the code snippet.

That is my goal here Thank you.