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Mailchimp Member Exists

Your Task History ID
I have a workflow "Vendor Blog Mailchimp" that errors out because the member already exists in the list. If the member is already in the list, simply ignore running the task.
How do I accomplish this and stop receiving the error?

Step Name: MailChimp > Add New Member with Custom Fields
Connection Name: MailChimp #1
Task Error Detail:

"title": "Member Exists",
"status": 400,
"detail": "[email protected] is already a list member. Use PUT to insert or update list members.",
"instance": "3eb439f8-1b11-0a95-590c-b33edc67d799"


Staff member
Hi @apremierdj,

You can use the Mailchimp 'Find Member' action event along with a Filter to ensure that the last step in your workflow is not executed if the member already exists.
