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Need List of Dates that are in GS within 30 days from current date! Suggestion Please!!


Dear All,
I have use case and Iam not able to understand, how to get such result using pabbly.

Here are the details:
In Google Sheet, In a single row Birthdays and Marriage Anniversary Date of a Donor are stored. (Donor themselves gives the data via FForm).
For every X row, there are typically 5 dates (in different columns) viz., Birthday of Mother, Father, Two Kids & Marriage Anniversary Date . In some cases only 4 dates (when kid is only one). Donor list (rows) are getting added regularly.

Here is my requirement:
For the NGO, it needs to celebrate the Birthday or anniversary of the Donated Family member at Orphanage as per the Donor choice - (By serving food to orphans at girl child orphanage or old age home or mentally challenged home).

So, For NGO:
From a month before the actual date, NGO needs to have the details (name, date etc) to effectively plan & implement the desired activity of Donor.
So, NGO needs to get an email every morning, the list of names & dates that are due in 30 days from Current date!

What I did to achieve it:
1. Schedule every day @ 9am
2. Get Rows from GS
3. Iterator by Pabbly
4. Split Text (Text Formatter) - (From the Orignal Birthday to saperate from the Year of Birth)
5. Current Date
6. SpreadSheet DATE Formula (Number Formatter) - To convert the Bithday in the Current year
7. Date Duration Calculator ( from Current Date)
8. Filter (Result Months Less than 2)
Iam here now!!

Here Condition may get satisfied by One or More dates.

After this Iam not able to get any clue how to those particular details in an email to the NGO.

If there is any other simpler way to automate please guide.

Thanks alot.

Krishna M


Hey @digitaldivi

Could you please share your desired workflow with us so that we can look into it and can assist you accordingly?


Hey @digitaldivi

We have made some changes in the shared workflow and added router action for 5 dates to send the emails accordingly.

Kindly check that out and let us know if that works for you.



Thanks for the workflow. i checked it.
With your input of adding 30 days to the current date, problem solved for fetching the details that are due in 30 days also.
I added one more condition, when the difference of month also.

Having said that, i should resolve a new issue:
1. As the data is getting stored in Google Sheet (from the above flow of point 1).
2. Data keeps accumulating in the Google sheet, even if the event is completed.
(Eg: 21-02-2022 date has passed and the event related to that date also completed but that data still exists in the Excel sheet)
Such data is redundant now. How to remove such rows where the event date is less than current date.
For, Now, iam Using the UPDATE ROW as COMPLETED.

Please check the flow under Route 1 here:

Is there any way, that i can delete such particular row or rows, where the date is less than the current date!?

Pls guide

Thank you
Last edited:


Hey @digitaldivi

Please check out the following screenshot for your concern.



Thank you.
Above 'Delete Row', we need to mention, Row index of the Criteria Match (Event Date is less than Current Date)

How to give Start Row & End Row?

On the Start Row mention:
It is mentioned that, it deletes the next row just after the start row

Pls guide

Thank you


Thanks for the guidance. I haven't set it up yet. shall do it today.

Now, iam facing a new issue.
Since everyday it is runnig. Same Rows are getting added as everyday.
How to avoid that?

If i try to avoid Date duplication then there are possibilities that, One date can be birthday/ anniversary of multiple donors coincidentally.

What to use, to avoid such duplication (In the screenshot: Anitha single date is being repeated everyday)

Pls guide.

Thank you


  • screenshot-docs.google.com-2022.02.25-12_03_17.png
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Hey @digitaldivi

Could you please share some duplicate data which you getting, so that we can cross-check from our end?


In the excel sheets, the data that are scheduled to run everyday are duplicating.
Bolded Content is all repeating everyday on everyday 'Schedule'

How to avoid repetition?

Workflow is:

Pls guide

Thank you


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Hey @digitaldivi

As we can see in your workflows' router action step inside the first router you using 2 similar action steps of "Google Sheets: Add New Row" where you have used the same sheets to add data and perhaps because of that you are getting single leads data twice.

Kindly check that out and do the needful. I hope this might help you out.


  • 2022-02-26_16h59_51.png
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Hey @digitaldivi

As we can see in your workflows' router action step inside the first router you using 2 similar action steps of "Google Sheets: Add New Row" where you have used the same sheets to add data and perhaps because of that you are getting single leads data twice.

Kindly check that out and do the needful. I hope this might help you out.

I did that clone to setup another workflow!
Even the condition set for that cloned workflow is not the reason for duplication of that row.

I didn't set it any condition in the cloned workflow (just copied). That too, that clone workflow is only for 1st router not the rest of the flows. But the duplicating data is from another Routers.

I presume, on every day schedule, any date that meets the condition set (i.e., less than 30 days) is accumulating in the sheet!

Schedule is not verifying:
1) Either the specified row is already exists or Not, even if there are no additional new dates which are falling in the 30 days criteria.

So, pls guide me:
How to avoid the duplication OR How to check whether the same row is exists in the sheet or not.


everything is failing. all birthday's falling on one date.
pls look into my workflow.

all dates are showing exclamation.
for all birthday's it is showing under same day only.
i haven't changed anything.

Pls guide.

Thank you


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