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No Webhook response for hy.page


I'm creating my first webhook in Pabbly from hy.page where the trigger is for a purchase. It's showing up in hy.page but when I send the test nothing is happening in Pabbly, it just spins and says "Waiting for Webhook response. I've tried to create more than once and have been waiting 4 days for a connection to be made. I've rebooted my computer and cleared my cache but still nothing is connecting in Pabbly.

I've attached an image inside pabbly and the webhooks within hy.page.


  • pabbly waiting.jpg
    pabbly waiting.jpg
    101.3 KB · Views: 34
  • hypage webhooks.jpg
    hypage webhooks.jpg
    59.7 KB · Views: 33


Well-known member
Staff member
Can you please try making a new real purchase on your application and then try again. Further, please verify it using a webhooks testing platform named webhook.site. You can paste the webhook URL generated by Webhook.site into your application and perform a test event within the application to ascertain if the webhook is functioning properly within Webhook.site. This will serve as an additional confirmation of the issue.

Also, do share the CURL request from the webhook.site after getting its response.
