You're starting to annoy me with the limitations and various problems I'm encountering with your platform.
I'm trying to test your platform this month and I'm deleting bases and then I'm asked to pay yet another supplement. Money seems to be the only interest of Pably's managers!
Unsubscription management is very poorly done.
I have several customers and you only manage one unsubscribe list. What do I do???
I have to delete and put back black lists.
You're obviously not interested in my problem and have no intention of finding a solution !!!!
I'm trying to test your platform this month and I'm deleting bases and then I'm asked to pay yet another supplement. Money seems to be the only interest of Pably's managers!
Unsubscription management is very poorly done.
I have several customers and you only manage one unsubscribe list. What do I do???
I have to delete and put back black lists.
You're obviously not interested in my problem and have no intention of finding a solution !!!!