Request Modal View in Pabbly Hook
The Request Modal View in Pabbly Hook provides a detailed breakdown of a specific incoming webhook request. This modal is accessed by clicking on a request in the Requests table. Below is an overview of the various sections and details presented in the modal view:1. Header Section
- Connection Name: The name of the connection associated with the request.
- Request ID: A unique identifier for the request.
- Includes a copy icon button to easily copy the Request ID to the clipboard.
2. Status Section
- Status: Displays the status of the request (e.g., Blocked, Success).
- Rejection Cause: If the request is blocked, this field explains the reason (e.g., CONNECTION_DISABLED).
3. Request Details Section
This section provides technical information about the webhook request:- Source: The origin of the request, showing details like PostmanRuntime/7.43.0.
- Destination URL: The target URL where the request was sent.
- Created At: The timestamp when the request was received.
- Content-Length: The size of the request body in bytes.
- Content-Type: The MIME type of the request payload (e.g., application/json).
- Method: The HTTP method used for the request (e.g., POST).
4. Body Section
- Body: Displays the JSON payload of the webhook request in a code block.
- Includes a copy icon button for quick copying of the payload.
5. Query Parameters Section
- Query Params: Displays any query parameters sent with the request. If no query parameters are present, it shows NA.
- Interactive Copy Buttons: Both the Request ID and JSON body have dedicated copy buttons for user convenience.
- Organized Layout: The modal is structured with clear headers and sections for easy readability.
How to Access the Modal
- Navigate to the Requests page in the Pabbly Hook dashboard.
- Click on any request in the table to open its detailed modal view.
Use Case Scenarios
- Debugging blocked requests by identifying the rejection cause and verifying payload details.
- Tracking the origin and destination of requests for troubleshooting.
- Reviewing request content and metadata for validation purposes.