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while sending pdf file from gdrive to whatsapp pdf format changed

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while sending pdf file from gdrive to whatsapp pdf format changed

sending pdf file from gdrive to whatsapp thru whatsapp api but sending pdf file but file become bin on whatsapp sending thru whatsapp api


Hey @saurabh23

Can you please share the task history ID from which you have noticed such behavior so that we can look into it?


i have similar issue, all pdf file convert by itself to BIN.

Task History ID -




Active member
Staff member
Hello @naved

We were unable to find the workflow associated with your task history ID. Kindly let us know the workflow name, and the email address associated with your Pabbly account so that we can look into it and assist you accordingly.

Looking forward to your positive response.


Active member
Staff member
Hello @naved

To troubleshoot the issue in your workflow, we need to send a few test messages. Please grant us permission to access your Pabbly account and make necessary modifications to the workflows if needed.


on aisensy, the error say "invalid media url"


  • 1741683041658.png
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Preeti Paryani

Well-known member
Staff member
Hello @naved,

We have added a File Uploader action to your workflow to get a proper file URL and mapped it under the WhatsApp by AiSensy: Send Template Message action.


Kindly test it and let us know if it works fine for you.
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