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Wordpress Posting Error


I'm trying to post YouTube -> Wordpress. Sometimes i get this error:

"code": "rest_invalid_json",
"message": "Invalid JSON body passed.",
"data > status": 400,
"data > json_error_code": 3,
"data > json_error_message": "Control character error, possibly incorrectly encoded"

I can't figure out what the problem is. Any ideas?


Staff member

The issue in this workflow appears to be related to the presence of double quotes in the content you were trying to post on WordPress. We have added a Text Formatter to your workflow to automatically replace the double quotes in your content with single quotes. This should resolve the issue.



In the workflow, the ChatGPT action step wasn’t provided with any prompt, because of which no content was generated. Therefore, nothing was passed to the WordPress action step, and it wasn’t executed at all.


Getting the same type of error. It seems lots of "noise" is being passed along from the captured text in Jotform to Wordpress. here is the link to the workflow. I added several text formatter steps, but something else always pops up (I removed them now, because it started getting out of hand). Is there another way to avoid all this? I feel like I have solved more complicated issues than this, but it has become quite annoying. Could having the "Simple Response" on or off have an affect? Thanks!

Preeti Paryani

Well-known member
Staff member
Hello @Roberto,

Could you please provide more details about the exact issue you are facing and the specific step where you're encountering the problem? This will help us better understand the situation and assist you more effectively.

Additionally, yes, if a particular step's response is captured in both simple format and advanced format, it can impact the mapping of the subsequent steps in almost all cases.


I don't know if this info helps...

Task History ID -


Executed at

Feb 04, 2025 13:23:10, (UTC-06:00) America/Chicago​

This is the simple error message I get in the Wordpress step...

Code: rest_invalid_json
Message: El cuerpo JSON no válido pasó.
Data Status: 400
Data Json Error Code: 3
Data Json Error Message: Control character error, possibly incorrectly encoded

Looking through an example of a failed attempt in the Task History, the Data In reflects many backslashes, which I believe are causing the error, unless there is something else...
"api_endpoint_url": "https://periodicocontacto.com/wp-json/wp/v2/posts",
"request": "\"{ \\\"slug\\\": \\\"{{pc_skip_field}}\\\", \\\"tags\\\": [], \\\"title\\\": \\\"Se prepara Matamoros para arribo de Guardia Nacional\\\", \\\"status\\\": \\\"pending\\\", \\\"content\\\": \\\"El ayuntamiento espera indicaciones del Gobierno estatal\\\\\n\\\\\n\\\\\n\\\\\nEl alcalde de Matamoros José Alberto Granados Favila, explicó que la llegada a esta frontera de los elementos de Guardia Nacional para cumplir el mandato de la presidente de la república Claudia Shembaum Pardo de blindar la frontera esta pactado para los siguientes días.\\\\\n\\\\\n\\\\\n\\\\\nEn entrevista con diversos medios de comunicación, el edil local aseguró que esta ciudad contará con un número importante de elementos que custodiaran el bordo del rio Bravo en los próximos días, incluso aseguró que el arribo podría darse en las próximas horas.\\\\\n\\\\\n\\\\\n\\\\\n\\\"Finalmente, con el acuerdo que tiene nuestra presidente la doctora Claudia Sheinbaum y el presidente de los Estados Unidos Donald Trump, de alguna manera frenar un poco el tema de los aranceles. Ya tenemos la información de que ya se desplazaron a diversos municipios, el día de hoy, aquí en Matamoros no llegaron, se pospone pero llegarán para reforzar la seguridad en la frontera\\\", dijo.\\\\\n\\\\\n\\\\\n\\\\\nAgregó que como municipio, esperan las indicaciones del gobierno del estado en materia de seguridad para poder coordinar las acciones que se vayan a llevar a cabo en este municipio con la llegada de los elementos de la Guardia Nacional.\\\", \\\"excerpt\\\": \\\"{{pc_skip_field}}\\\", \\\"categories\\\": [\\\"6\\\"], \\\"featured_media\\\":\\\"71698\\\", \\\"ping_status\\\": \\\"open\\\", \\\"comment_status\\\": \\\"open\\\", \\\"format\\\": \\\"standard\\\", \\\"author\\\":\\\"8\\\", \\\"sticky\\\": false, \\\"password\\\":\\\"{{pc_skip_field}}\\\", \\\"meta\\\": {},\\\"date\\\": \\\"2025-02-04T12:52:00\\\", \\\"date_gmt\\\":\\\"{{pc_skip_field}}\\\"}\""


Staff member
The issue seems to be related to the presence of double quotes in the content being passed to WordPress. We have added a Text Formatter to your workflow to replace the double quotes with single quotes, which should resolve the issue.
