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Recent content by guyseo

  1. guyseo

    Required permissions are missing for the app

    We have a problem with the FB lead form. Leads are not arriving from one form! All the other forms are working and sending leads. This is the error we get: "Required permissions are missing for the app." Everything is connected correctly on Facebook—proof is that the other 10 forms work fine...
  2. guyseo


    We have one landing page with one webhook. This landing page gets traffic and leads from Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and direct visits. All leads are sent to our CRM under the correct source. We want to separate each lead based on the landing page URL: gclid = Google Ads fbclid = Facebook Ads...
  3. guyseo


    Hi, We have a landing page and send leads to an API post. We want to use a router to separate leads from Google, Facebook, and organic sources. We created this one and want to know if the rest should be under the same workflow as the new one...
  4. guyseo

    Set up an automation that sends reminders before meeting

    I reviewed the tutorials and have a few questions: What steps should I follow if the meeting is rescheduled to a different date or canceled? Additionally, how should I proceed if we use a single main calendar for the entire company?
  5. guyseo

    Why we all the time getting error message in this workflow?

    Hi, Why we all the time getting error message in this workflow? https://connect.pabbly.com/workflow/mapping/IjU3NjYwNTZjMDYzNjA0MzM1MjZiNTUzNDUxMzYi_pc Some number are Ok and some get error but its the same number format.
  6. guyseo

    Set up an automation that sends reminders before meeting

    Hi guys, I need to accomplish the following task, and I would appreciate any tips you might have on how to do it: When a customer schedules a meeting, they receive a (On WhatsApp) link to the meeting via Google Calendar. I want to set up an automation that sends reminders before the meeting...
  7. guyseo

    How can I make monthly plan?

    How can I make monthly plan? https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/uyxnfgtmwzhvmxe7rmxf6/2024-08-26_13-29-34.jpg?rlkey=wiloqetzckffjv2fwajk0ar6t&dl=0
  8. guyseo

    Problem with FB leads form

    Now I discover the same problem on a different account
  9. guyseo

    Problem with FB leads form

    Hi, I have an FB lead form automation, and I've noticed that not all leads are being sent. I can see 8 leads in the CSV from the lead campaign, but on Pabbly, I only see half. There's no history or error message for the missing leads. Why is this happening?
  10. guyseo

    Phone formatting

    Nice one! Thx
  11. guyseo

    Phone formatting

    Hi guys, This is how the phone number arrive from our FB leads form: +972505598222 I want to format the number so it will arrive like this: 050-559-8222 Which formula should I use?
  12. guyseo

    Lead form info come empty

    Its working because i've added the leads manually!
  13. guyseo

    Lead form info come empty

  14. guyseo

    Lead form info come empty

    Not working on incognito as well
  15. guyseo

    Lead form info come empty

    I did it and its not changing anything. In the end I replce the connection with new one to all of our workflow