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Recent content by zaheer1001

  1. zaheer1001

    joining and leaving report WITH total mintues spend calculated in GS

    I watched video about how to send joining and leaving report in Google sheet... Video reff: () . What i have done... At funnelKIT optin page connected with pabbly by hook... later connected Zoom for create registration for the lead... then created Whatsapp delay 2 days before. 1 day before, 2...
  2. zaheer1001

    Where to see incoming whatsApp Cloud API Msgs

    Hi Team, I have set up Cloup API for my business and want to set up automation using direct from FACEBOOK META, done that succefully, but I see that people are replying me on that msg send by using Cloud API Mobile number, Plzz help me to set up or know where these recieved msg can be seen.
  3. zaheer1001

    WhatsApp msg delay by 24 hrs

    hi plzzzz, could you help me I asked question for clearity, some other member mention even looking that I am asking for clearity, she just mentioned that this is not possible which is created in your demo flow, I am again sending here my msg what I wanted to know about this flow Below.... Thank...
  4. zaheer1001

    WhatsApp msg delay by 24 hrs

    Arshita, I think you guys have this features, Stuff Member Supreme created the flow something similer to this what I said in my first conversation, n you can in between out of blue to say you don't have this feature, anyway... but I want you to have a look at this, it's clearly shows that you...
  5. zaheer1001

    WhatsApp msg delay by 24 hrs

    There is no special pertucular event date... This is just pre-recorded 4 days training series, as soon as someone enroll they will be part of automation for next 3 days (First instant ) then next 3 days... I want to send Training Link (Pre-recorded), so want to avoid to send training link in...
  6. zaheer1001

    WhatsApp msg delay by 24 hrs

    Thank you for this demo Flow, but Condtion in router is sub of clearity in first router in demo flow named as 08 to 23:49, it give command as Greater than 7 & less than 23, It means between morning 8AM to 11PM msg will be fired, Question is What time it will go between this time frame. What I...
  7. zaheer1001

    WhatsApp msg delay by 24 hrs

    Hi, I am running 4 day Pre-recorded Training Series, Once Someone Enroll in it, a link is sent For Day-1, likewish I am sending Day-2 Link Using, Delay is for 24Hrs its working But Here is the issue, so many people sing up really really late night after 12AM 1 AM, 2 AM, in the night, most...
  8. zaheer1001

    WhatsApp Automation until a Specific date (Webinar, lead capture on FunnelKIT optin + Data send to Google Sheet + Whatsapp instant msg sent)

    Below given ex of whne someone type 91+10digits, but optin already ad +91 so result comes like +91+91+10 digits, but formula only removes first +91 and keep second +91 in number hence Text Msg failed
  9. zaheer1001

    WhatsApp Automation until a Specific date (Webinar, lead capture on FunnelKIT optin + Data send to Google Sheet + Whatsapp instant msg sent)

    I have got question, before I ask I want to thank you for being a great great help to me... Question#1 - I am using Number formatter formula this to get only 10 digits mobile number that is coming form my optin, how ever in optin 11 nunber cannot be accepted, still 91+10 digits are allowed, (on...
  10. zaheer1001

    WhatsApp Automation until a Specific date (Webinar, lead capture on FunnelKIT optin + Data send to Google Sheet + Whatsapp instant msg sent)

    Thank you!!! Thank you!!! Thank you!!! Thank you!!! Thank you!!! Thank you!!! Thank you!!! Finally I got the result I wanted to. Thanks. Now Time to Upgrade Pabbly, One Question... I got 500 Leads in a week for webinar, one lead is consuming almost 10 Task, I wan to understand how it works, in...
  11. zaheer1001

    WhatsApp Automation until a Specific date (Webinar, lead capture on FunnelKIT optin + Data send to Google Sheet + Whatsapp instant msg sent)

    Hi @Supreme, Finally I found one video, wherer after Date/time formatter Router is used, and I created the same formation, everything is working fine, like Time is getting substracted from Webinar date, then used router where used condition then delayed time is used then WA msg... all the data...
  12. zaheer1001

    WhatsApp Automation until a Specific date (Webinar, lead capture on FunnelKIT optin + Data send to Google Sheet + Whatsapp instant msg sent)

    Thanks for this information, it worked, however I set delay as per time, but I notice that when form is summited all all whatsapp delayed are being fired, including Instant msg. I think it required conditional too to stop this, what you do suggest how. make this fire as instructed. Plzz help me...
  13. zaheer1001

    WhatsApp Automation until a Specific date (Webinar, lead capture on FunnelKIT optin + Data send to Google Sheet + Whatsapp instant msg sent)

    I exactly used the same things shown in images, but why my reslut is diffrent, Can you plzzz suggest the best why it happned. See the attchment for review.
  14. zaheer1001

    WhatsApp Automation until a Specific date (Webinar, lead capture on FunnelKIT optin + Data send to Google Sheet + Whatsapp instant msg sent)

    Kinldy look at the attachment... showing delay until date and date is selected, what how to trigger msg 1 day before.
  15. zaheer1001

    WhatsApp Automation until a Specific date (Webinar, lead capture on FunnelKIT optin + Data send to Google Sheet + Whatsapp instant msg sent)

    Yeah, that's what i did but it not giving me and option trigger msg before 3 days, 2 days, 1 one day, how to set this up, I already mentioned that I am able to run delayed automation, but delayed automation as per date of webinar. Hope I am clear that I am not asking how to delay but delay as...