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Search results

  1. T

    Google My Business without login credentials?

    Hello, We want to setup an automated response to our clients Google My Business reviews but our client doesn't want to provide us with their Google account credentials for security reasons. Is there any way for us to use Pabbly and connect our client's Google My Business account with their...
  2. T

    Yelp Support?

    Do you plan to support Yelp? It's a huge US based online review and it'll be nice if Pabbly can support. For instance, I want to get all the reviews for a certain business into Google sheets. Then also to be able to publish a response to those reviews it received.
  3. T

    Create Twitter Thread?

    yes I understand the limit, so Twitter has a button called "Thread" to break out the longer Tweet into several Tweets. I was asking if Pabbly supported making the Thread in Twitter. I don't think its hard to do but it's something Pabbly doesn't currently support.
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    Create Twitter Thread?

    Can Pabbly Connect create a Twitter thread? I setup a Google sheets with the Tweet I want to send but it's over 280 characters long. So I want to create a Thread, can Pabbly Connect create it? I can't find the solution anywhere and was wondering how we can send a Tweet that is over 280...
  5. T

    Google Sheet: Only trigger on cell value Yes

    please close this question, I figured it out. I had to wait a bit for google sheets and pabbly to reload the new contnet.
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    Google Sheet: Only trigger on cell value Yes

    I know you can use filters but it's not working for me. Can filters be used with Google Sheets "Dropdown" or "checkbox" selections? I think you can but it's not working. Please see the attached screen shot of a simple filter test I did.
  7. T

    Google Sheet: Only trigger on cell value Yes

    Hello Pabbly team and community: How can I trigger an action only when a certain word or selection is made on a Google sheets cell? For instance, I want to trigger an action only if a cell has the word "Yes". Right now from what I understand, an action is triggered when a certain column has...