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Search results

  1. RafaExpert

    Insert a googleapis QR code into a document

    In step 2 I have created a document from template and the response received shows the DocumentID 1YJXhGA9sVjaiZZz6ht-g5_nDFP_mQoI3ZXSJZ_fMARM as you can confirm in the first image attached. In step 3 (Replace images...) I selected the DocumentId from the dropdown.. But is not showing me the...
  2. RafaExpert

    Insert a googleapis QR code into a document

    I'm trying to use "Replace image of a document" but as you can see there is no way to add the image URL My doc has 2 images, but I can't add any url to replace the images. Any idea why this is happening?
  3. RafaExpert

    Insert a googleapis QR code into a document

    When a user submits a form, a google sheet is automatically filled with the data form. In one cell I have a googleapi call to generate a QR =IMAGE("https://chart.googleapis.com/chart?cht=qr&chl=" & ENCODEURL($N2) & "&chs=300x300&choe=UTF-8&chld=L|2") The QR code is generated perfectly without...