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Search results

  1. shangle

    Acuity - Type of Meeting

    I can see that when I use Zapier I'm able to only have an automation run if it is a particular type of meeting. Is there a way to do that same thing in pabbly? For example: When Client books follow up meeting type ONLY then Look up Lead in CJ and map the data from the meeting to that record in...
  2. shangle

    Acuity + ClientJoy

    @Supreme I've spoken with ClientJoy - and they have updated the API... they asked me to pass this along to you { "lead": { "stage": "Qualified", "source": "Reference", "assignee": "[email protected]", "deal_size": 6500, "conversion_probablity": 70, "is_public": true, "last_contacted_at"...
  3. shangle

    Acuity + ClientJoy

    Hmmm - I can see in the documentation that those fields don't appear to be available in the API. In CJ here's what I see. And when I use Zapier I can write to that field - I am still waiting to hear back from support at CJ - and asked them why I can't see that field with Pabbly. I'll update...
  4. shangle

    Acuity + ClientJoy

    What can I do, if anything to expose all the fields I see when I use create LEAD in CJ. I'm missing the Notes field
  5. shangle

    Acuity + ClientJoy

    I've actually tried to make this work - and it seems impossible. Creating an appointment from the Acuity data - which only gives the start time fails because CJ is requiring an end time. Also I can't figure out how to make it attach the appointment to the right lead.I In addition - CJ is not...
  6. shangle

    Acuity + ClientJoy

    Hi Supreme I watched the video - and understand how the router works. Where I am stuck is that my logic goes like this right now Trigger- Appointment books Action- Find Lead Logic - If lead is not found Action - Create Lead Action - Add appointment date to the lead Router - should handle...
  7. shangle

    Acuity + ClientJoy

    Oh Supreme - thanks so much - I see why you have that nick! What you did is really helpful thanks. And it handles the find the lead and add it if it doesn't exist. What about the part if I do find the lead - then just update the record with the new appointment date and time? Do I build...
  8. shangle

    Acuity + ClientJoy

    I want to have ClientJoy add a new lead when someone books a particular appointment in Acuity type BUT I need it to check to see if the lead already exists and only add them as a Lead if they aren't already in the CRM. I know this needs to be a conditional statement of some type.. So TRIGGER-...