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Search results

  1. T

    Can't create Flowlu Task from Google Sheet record

    Yes I have refreshed everything multiple times. Also, the YouTube channel doesn't have any tutorial on Google Sheets to Flowlu.
  2. T

    Can't create Flowlu Task from Google Sheet record

    Hi, I have successfully connected Flowlu and Google Sheets via API (Pabbly has access to all API features like tasks, custom fields, team etc). I have refreshed the fields and connection several times but I am unable to select task assignees, owners etc and put the task into the Execution stage...
  3. T

    Duplicate entries

    Thank you, I have the router working. I still do not know why the dates are not merging to the Google sheet after a few entries. See the first column above. The date turns into a number.
  4. T

    Unable To Select Facebook Comment or Facebook Page as a trigger?

    I am a paid user and I filled in the form to access the Facebook Pages trigger. Can you please connect ASAP? Account is thesocialtone.
  5. T

    Duplicate entries

    I've just connected Wordpress Post to Google Sheets and I'm getting the duplicate entries too. This property is both a Residential and Commercial and I used a router to store different data depending on the property type. On some other properties I update, it enters the original data as a line...