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Search results

  1. O

    Empty Cell in Google Sheet is marked as null

    Hi guys, I am having the same issue, I don´t know if someone found the solution. Pabbly is reading from hubspot as a blank field but inserting it in other aplication as "null" so I am having a lot of trouble with that
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    Pabbly is not detecting when a contact is updated in hubspot

    Ok, I have done that an share with you the workflow
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    Pabbly is not detecting when a contact is updated in hubspot

    Hi, I have a Hubspot account connected with Pabbly. I use the trigger "new contact updated" to get information from the contacts in my hubspot account, but now Pabbly is not receiving the information. Sometimes it is really slow, but for example today I updated 100 contacts and none of them...
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    Pabbly hubspot update trigger is not working

    Hi, I tried that on an Enterprise account in hubspot and it worked because I have the operations hub PRO ($800) but my other accounts are just starter plans so does not have the webhook option activated. As I have done all my efforts and tried to explain the problem in detail without any luck...
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    Pabbly hubspot update trigger is not working

    It is not that Hubspot con only fetch 100 records at a time, but that is the maximun records in each batch. So for large imports hubspot will send many batches that Pabbly is not processing... In my little understanding hubspot event is a pushing-event trigger to the Pabbly API that is not...
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    Pabbly hubspot update trigger is not working

    Hi, it has been a week since my last response... do you have any news on how to solve the issue? Thanks
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    Pabbly hubspot update trigger is not working

    Ok, I have checked with the hubspot team and also their documentation. In short terms they said that for big loads or imported data they send batches of data of maximum 100 notifications. Here I quote the documentation: "As shown above, you should expect to receive an array of objects in a...
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    Pabbly hubspot update trigger is not working

    Hi, I just did another update of 4000 registers and the webhook just grabbed only 100 registers (not 400). So you are telling me that there is a constrain in the limit of updates that I do in hubspot, and in that case shouldn´t it be like a buffer so the next minute it will continue to catch...
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    Pabbly hubspot update trigger is not working

    If it helps I just updated 5145 registers in Hubspot and Pabbly only detected 100 of those registers. So I am still thinking there is a Pabbly constrain that you will have to work around
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    Pabbly hubspot update trigger is not working

    It doesn´t make sense because those contacts were updated like 8 hours before so they should have being detected by Pabbly way before my last update. Anyway, the problem persists. The data is being updated and Pabbly doesn´t catch it. I don´t know if there is another channel were I can get...
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    Pabbly hubspot update trigger is not working

    Ok, so help me understand how Pabbly works please...., I just updated 50 registers in Hubspot and after 5-10 minutes Pabbly took 100 registers (the 50 I update + another 50 that I updated earlier) and did what it was supposed to do. It was supposed to update those registers earlier but it...
  12. O

    Pabbly hubspot update trigger is not working

    Hi, yes, they again the problem is when I massively update the contacts. So I have recorded 2 videos showing the problem to see if it helps. In the first video I update a contact manually in my HubSpot account and it works. In the second video what I do is that I massively update 4k registers...
  13. O

    Pabbly hubspot update trigger is not working

    Ok, I am going to try to be more specific about the problem... when I manually update a contact in the hubspot CRM the pabbly reads it without any problem, as I do it one by one. My main issue is when I import or update masively to hubspot. For example, I change the "status" field in hubspot...
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    Pabbly hubspot update trigger is not working

    Yes, the one that I am using works, but not all the time, that´s the problem, so I have to go to hubspot and start updating contact fields manually so pabbly will trigger the workflow, but it doesn´t work all the time. I tried by the other hand to use the other "Contact Updated" method but it...
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    Pabbly hubspot update trigger is not working

    Hi, I have create a workflow that everytime a contact is updated in hubspot it triggers an SMS web service. I see that pabbly have two update contact triggers, one that asks me for an API KEY an other that doesn´t. I am using the last one. The problem I have is that when I create or update a...