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Search results

  1. slaven.grizelj@googlemail

    extract data from XML attachement

    No, I would like to save the attachement (XML file) anywhere. In the next step I wann to extract the data in the XML file using any application which ist neccessary or capable to do it. Is there any workaround?
  2. slaven.grizelj@googlemail

    extract data from XML attachement

    Hi, I have the following problem: I receive emails with data from applicants who want to rent an apartment. Inside the text I tried to read the data with the parser. This did not work because the content of the emails changes. But I get the data in parallel as XML file. The XML file is an...
  3. slaven.grizelj@googlemail

    Expand window of text I want to search through?

    Yes, I want to parse an email. I put in the "Body Text" as Text to parse (which is a required field. Then I go ahead and want to define the "Text match after" and "Text match before". My problem regaarding this step is, that I can not see or parse the text which I have defined as the "Text to...
  4. slaven.grizelj@googlemail

    Expand window of text I want to search through?

    Hi, I would like to parse a text. How can I expand the window of the required text in order to find text match before and after? I can only see 6 lines of text. How can i expand the window to see all lines or how can I jump in and scroll through in order to read evrythung an pickup my before and...