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Amazon Seller Central (Beta) Does not stay connected

Your Task History ID
The Rant:
My relentless struggle against the ever-elusive Amazon Seller Central (Beta) token expiration while utilizing Pabbly has become a harrowing ordeal for me and many e-commerce entrepreneurs.

The ceaseless frustration brought on by the constant need to refresh and reauthenticate access permissions to simply manage their online orders is nothing short of a digital nightmare.

Each expired token feels like a dagger cutting the heart of efficiency and profitability, leaving me & other sellers vulnerable and on edge.

The gears of progress grind to a halt as precious time and resources are squandered in a futile cycle of renewal.

The Question:
So far not a single workflow has completed because the token expires before or after and order arrives.
- "code": "Unauthorized",
- "message": "Access to requested resource is denied.",
- "details": "The access token you provided has expired."

I know that it is in Beta, but can you please tell me, if having to reauthenticate the token every time an order arrives is the normal, or is it just me?


Staff member
Hi @The Defender,

We are unable to find any errors in the workflow you have shared. Could you please share the URL of the workflow in which you are encountering this issue?


Staff member
Based on the Workflow URL you have shared, we are unable to see any errors in the 'Amazon Seller Central (Beta)' trigger step response.

Please specify exactly where you are encountering the "Access to requested resource is denied" error.