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Canva - Error in create design autofill


Your Task History ID

I have some issue from the action Canva "create a design autofill job ". The error is below :

I don't understand, datas I have send seems right :

Do you have more information in your logs about the data send or the error, please?
Thank a lot in advance for your reply.

best regards


Yes I confirme connexion is a general account, is working for my other workflow, I am sorry, I send the wrong task id , this : IjU3NjUwNTZmMDYzNjA0M2Q1MjZkNTUzMjUxMzc1MTYzNTQzNjBmMzki_pc


Staff member
In the 'C9' field, you were passing a value with double quotes. We replaced those double quotes with single quotes, and it appears to have fixed your issue.

Preeti Paryani

Well-known member
Staff member
Hello @stephlio,

It seems you haven’t registered yourself to use the Autofill action while creating the connection with Canva. Please note that while selecting the scopes, you also have the option to enable the Autofill feature.

Kindly create a new connection, enable this feature this time, and let us know if you are able to perform this action.