I already asked for this by email over a year ago, it's not a lot of work to do... lots of screens already translated.
Most important screen to translate is the login screen of Client Portal ! The portal inside is almost 100% translated but the login screen that is the first step to user enter inside the portal is currently in english only:
Forgot password:
Profile Menu:
Subscriptions section almost completed just with these adjustments in subscription details left:
Transactions section almost completed just with these adjustments left:
If user click in the link to open the invoice it's also pending to translate the string Print Invoice and the subscription status:
Thank you
I already asked for this by email over a year ago, it's not a lot of work to do... lots of screens already translated.
Most important screen to translate is the login screen of Client Portal ! The portal inside is almost 100% translated but the login screen that is the first step to user enter inside the portal is currently in english only:

Forgot password:

Profile Menu:

Subscriptions section almost completed just with these adjustments in subscription details left:

Transactions section almost completed just with these adjustments left:

If user click in the link to open the invoice it's also pending to translate the string Print Invoice and the subscription status:

Thank you