I wish to delete a Telegram messages few hours after they are posted. I am trying to do it using Telegram bot, but facing a problem in the getting the Message ID to delete.
The flow is when a message is posted using another automation, I wait for one day and then delete this message. On trying to incorporate this in the same automation I used for posting, I cam facing a problem with the ChatID as the chat ID changes after posting the message, so deleting with a delay in the same workflow doesnt work.
Pls help me automate this.
I wish to delete a Telegram messages few hours after they are posted. I am trying to do it using Telegram bot, but facing a problem in the getting the Message ID to delete.
The flow is when a message is posted using another automation, I wait for one day and then delete this message. On trying to incorporate this in the same automation I used for posting, I cam facing a problem with the ChatID as the chat ID changes after posting the message, so deleting with a delay in the same workflow doesnt work.
Pls help me automate this.