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"generate a new card in trello board, if a column in an google sheet is not empty" doesnt work

Hey guys,

I have set up a google sheet with potential leads. For the acquistion, I wanted to use trello. As I dont want to buy a CRM yet.
In this sheet, I have a column, that says "Transport to Trello". If a value is set in this cloumn (like "yes" or anything else, a card in a certain trello Board should be created with certain details out of the sheet like name, address etc.
My Workflow is on, and when I am testing it, it always works perfect. But If I set a value in the column, the card is not created. I have been waiting for several hours, but it doesnt work. As the test was succesful, I dont know, what else I could do get it running in normal use.

Would really appreciate your help.

Best regards


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Hey @FehLer_4O4

Could you please submit the new data from the Google Sheets and then check if you are getting desired data in the Trello?

Please check the below video for adding Google Sheets with Pabbly COnnect.
