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How to add values to List Fields in Acumbamail?


Active member
I'm trying to send new subscriber data from Simvoly to Acumbamail.

Unfortunately, Acumbamail doesn't have Tags for subscribers (doh!).

However, they do allow for a custom Field of the type List, which enables the user to add predefined data to a field as list options (e.g. Field = "Songs" and List values = "mad as hell", "sail on", "another song title", etc).

Here's a screenshot of a custom Field of type List in Acumbamail:

Edit list tags _ Lists _ Acumbamail and 1 more page - Personal - Microsoft_.. 2023-01-24 at 5....png

What I want to do, then, is add those list values from Tags in Simvoly. Here are those Simvoly tags showing up in Pabbly Trigger stage:

Pabbly Connect and 15 more pages - Personal - Microsoft_ Edge Beta 2023-01-24 at 6.01.33 PM.png

Note that "Tags 2" above is "mad as hell", which fits one of the custom List items from the earlier screenshot of Acumbamail, and the other two tags ("sans roots" and "download" don't fit).

I then want, if any of those Tags match (i.e. "mad as hell") for Pabbly to be able to add add it as a List value to Acumbamail. Here's the action step in Pabbly:

Pabbly Connect and 15 more pages - Personal - Microsoft_ Edge Beta 2023-01-24 at 6.03.32 PM.png

However, when I try that I get the error Response above of:

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Obviously the way I've tried to set it up doesn't work!

Is there a way to do it, or a workaround?

(of course, it would all be much easier if Acumbamail just built Tags into subscriber profiles, but alas that's not an option!)

Any ideas?


We are looking over it and shall update you soon.

Your kind patience will be appreciated!

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