Lot of people submit their numbers in different formats like:
1) 9876543211
2) +919876543211
3) 919876543211
4) 91-9876543211
5) 09876543211
Step 1: Extract Number only from the string. This will eliminate dashes and blank spaces from the user submitted number.
Step 2: Map the result from the Extract Number step to pick 10 values from the right.
If you always want the right number to be captured. You can capture the last 10 numbers counted from the RIGHT. You can extract the numbers according to your need.
1) 9876543211
2) +919876543211
3) 919876543211
4) 91-9876543211
5) 09876543211
Step 1: Extract Number only from the string. This will eliminate dashes and blank spaces from the user submitted number.
Step 2: Map the result from the Extract Number step to pick 10 values from the right.
If you always want the right number to be captured. You can capture the last 10 numbers counted from the RIGHT. You can extract the numbers according to your need.