Add Invoice Settings
In Pabbly Subscription Billing, as a merchant, you have the capability to sell products and services. Occasionally, you may need to send invoices based on specific products and payment gateways. Your account comes with default invoice settings already in place, which you can customize to meet your specific needs. Additionally, you have the flexibility to create new invoice settings.To access the menu for adding or modifying invoice settings, simply follow these steps:
1. Navigate to the "Settings" section.
2. Click on "Invoice Settings," and the following page will be displayed where you can make any changes as per your requirements.
How to add invoice settings?
In Pabbly Subscriptions, invoices are generated and sent automatically to the customer whenever a transaction takes place. These invoices fetch data from different fields that a customer fills while purchasing the subscription and also fetches the merchant details from the profile setup. After merging all the data an invoice is generated which looks like this.
Almost all the important data is available in the system generated the invoice, but there is some customization needed in the invoice to make it look more professional.
- Invoice Setting Title: The invoice title will not be displayed on the invoice. It is only for your reference.
- Company Name: Enter your company name here. This will be displayed in the email notifications.
- Select Payment Gateway: All Gateways/Selected Gateway.
- Selected Gateway: All the selected payment gateways mentioned in this field will receive the invoice as shown below.
- Select Product: All the selected products mentioned in this field will receive the invoice as shown below.
- Invoice Logo: Upload a header image for your invoice. This image will be shown at the top of the invoice sent to your customers. 126W x 50H, Max Size - 50kb.
- Order Prefix & Order Number: Please enter your desired custom order prefix and order number for the invoices that will be generated for sele cted payment gateway and products. The customized order number will be automatically generated each time a customer places an order. There are multiple months and year formats that are available. You can use them as per your requirement.
- Invoice Prefix: Please enter your desired custom invoice prefix & the invoice number for the invoices that would be generated for the selected payment gateway and the products. The custom invoice number is generated only for paid invoices. Please note this option works only after enabling sequential invoicing. There are multiple month and year formats that are available. You can use them as per your requirement.
- Enable Sequential Invoicing: For this you can refer to this document .
- Invoice Customization: Here you can Customize the invoice based on the above selected gateways and products.