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Multiple postings using GSheet to FB and FB to Twitter

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I'm new to Pabbly, trying to understand how to get it to work as I want. I am getting closer, but still, I seem to keep doing something wrong that leads to multiple postings.

I set up 2 different workflows - the first is from a Google sheet with posts to be scheduled, and it's (mostly) working. Once it posts to FB, I have another workflow that sends recent FB posts to Twitter. It's the first part that I'm having issues with, which leads to some issues on the second part.

Initially the issue was that the workflow was posting the same item 3 times in a row. I found some tips here in the forums that led me to start over and rebuild from scratch, and now it's (mostly) working (no more 3 in a row of the same post). However, occasionally it still pulls some older post in the list and reposts it. Since it's then considered a 'new' post on FB, it then triggers getting posted to Twitter again.

Example: In this screenshot you can see that this "Britain's biggest..." post was posted around 7:34am on 3/26. https://share.getcloudapp.com/9ZuK86pp

But here you can see that it was scheduled for 14:21 on 3/24 https://share.getcloudapp.com/nOuKl4ym (and it successfully posted at that time) - https://share.getcloudapp.com/OAuog1nB

How do I find where the issue is to try to resolve it? Hopefully I've provided enough info here to help someone help me, but happy to provide more if needed.



Well-known member
Staff member
Hey @reyam

If you are passing the attachment URL in the Twitter action step, then kindly use the "Create Tweet with Media".


Moreover, can you please cross-check whether you have selected the correct "From Format" timezone or not?



@Supreme - Thanks for taking a moment to answer me, I really appreciate it.

Right now, things seem to be working well and I haven't changed anything. So maybe some of the issues before were from some kind of cached content or workflows (?? just guessing or suggesting 'conceptually' as I don't understand the whole process well enough). But yesterday I just let things run and there were no repeated posts to FB, and therefore everything went through to Twitter just fine as well. I'll be keeping an eye on it, especially as I want to tie in one more workflow of adding posts from a different sheet as they get added to the sheet, as opposed to on a set time table. Hopefully I won't break what's already working! LOL

Getting this flow/system to work is really cool, and I'm sure I'll work to expand out into others, so I'm sure I'll be back to ask plenty more questions. Thanks again for your time and help!


Well-known member
Staff member
Hey @reyam

Glad to hear your workflow is back up and running I'm guessing you updated the previously added rows in your Google Sheets, causing it to trigger again.

Please let us know if you encounter any further difficulties.



Thanks again @Supreme. That's very interesting... "I'm guessing you updated the previously added rows in your Google Sheets, causing it to trigger again."

As I've been trying to test things out, I may have updated some rows unintentionally... but I thought I was mostly updating rows that had not yet triggered (future dates/times), not past ones that had already triggered. Would updating a future one potentially affect the past to retrigger?

I guess another question would be, how can I avoid that happening? Would I be able to occasionally take the already-triggered rows and cut and paste them onto another sheet, say "Archives_sheet", just so I could keep a record of what has posted when, but not risk having it interfere with future postings?

I have another question for a different (but related) workflow. I will create a different question for it so I can add the appropriate workflow URL and Task ID. I'll link it here though...

Also, is there any way to have a live chat with support to try to work through some issues more efficiently? The one question/answer per day will take a while as it seems I keep coming up with new questions! LOL


Well-known member
Staff member
Hey @reyam
Would updating a future one potentially affect the past to retrigger?
It's not being very clear what conditions are asking to deduct from your concern.

I guess another question would be, how can I avoid that happening? Would I be able to occasionally take the already-triggered rows and cut and paste them onto another sheet, say "Archives_sheet", just so I could keep a record of what has posted when, but not risk having it interfere with future postings?
You can additionally create a check column in your Google Sheets and make it check when you want to process.

And add a filter action step that will only process the row entry which doesn't have a check on it.

Also, is there any way to have a live chat with support to try to work through some issues more efficiently? The one question/answer per day will take a while as it seems I keep coming up with new questions! LOL
I am sorry to say that currently, we are only providing support on forums and tickets only.
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