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Pabbly connect - new wordpress post to fb group



I created a workflow that when i create a new WordPress post Pabbly connect sends it on my FB group as well but im facing couple of issues:
1. the post has a title - which is bigger in text, and on the fb post its a regular text
2. the post body has images - they do not show
3. the post has a featured image - i can only take its URL, but not actually assign it to the post.

Please let me know if further customization to the FB post are archivable by any means. thanks!


Hey @amitleb

We looked into your workflow and it looks like you are trying to pass a picture URL. But for that, we have already created a Facebook Page "Post Photo". Kindly use that action event to pass the image on to FB as Facebook Groups: Post Message action event do not pass the image in content.



Cool that works!
Wondering if i can also add the link like in 'post a message'?
and what about title size?


Hey @amitleb

and now when i tried to use the photo option the content of post looks like this :(
Seems like you are getting HTML: tags in your blog so you can use the "Text Formatter by Pabbly: Text (Basic Formatting)" to remove the tags from your content and then you can pass the data to your Facebook action step accordingly.
