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Pabbly Filter only continue iof phone# Greater than


I have a step that filters if the phone number is greater than 1111111111 (so if they put a valid 10 digit phone number in, it will continue - otherwise, no need to proceed to send an appointment reminder. Well, it errored out later in the workflow, unable to send a text, because it continued, and it showed in the workflow that the below was greater than 1111111111

Could Not Come On 9/13, We Will Be Gone At The Time She Could Come On 9/14, Our Schedule Is Overbooked On 9/18 And She Is Going To North Carolina On 9/19 &9/20

Task history ID = IjU3NjEwNTY4MDYzMTA0MzY1MjZkNTUzNDUxMzc1MTY1NTQzNCI_3D_pc

This is the description field of Google calendar item. I am thinking it should have errored for number being less than 1111111111?

Is there a better way to filter out if they don't put in a 10 digit phone number?


Staff member
Hi @mikec29526,

You can try using 'Spreadsheet Formulas' to find the number of digits or alphabets in a particular number or sentence and add an upper limit to the number of digits in the Filter by adding an AND condition. Although this may not entirely prevent the error, it would significantly reduce the chances of an incorrect filter response.
