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Good Day,

Why most of formatter (date/time, text, number) has "deprecated" ? & will it affect anything if i didn't change from deprecated to normal one?



Well-known member
Staff member
Hey @ooialvin

The mark which you are seeing means that the action event is deprecated and there would a new version of the same action is now available. It is recommended to use the newer version.

The old versions are not removed until 10-12 months so you can continue to use them in the meantime and it will work normally. When you have the time it's good to upgrade to the newer versions of the same endpoint.


Why do you guys deprecate an action with the same exact action replacing it (just a different script) and you do not make it automatic replacement?
Nothing has changed on the user ends.... but now we have to redo all workflows because once we select the new action, it deletes everything and forces us to rewrite everything.
This is not smart.


Well-known member
Staff member
Hey @adepalma

We deprecate the action event when we add some new features on the action events and add some new scripts to let the action events work more feasibly.

Moreover, once you re-run the deprecated action event, you need to make a hard refresh and the previously mapped values will be replaced with the new values.