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Salesflare > Create Contact - Multiple Tags Issue

I am creating a workflow for a lead submittal through a form and building out the account/contact/opportunity in Salesflare.

When creating the contact I want to include multiple tags. The instructions on the tag field says: "Enter comma separated tags. tag1,tag2,tag3, .....".

When I include multiple tags, for example "PPC,Lead" (or any variation of it with spaces; "PPC, Lead" "PPC , Lead" etc..), it is creating the contact tag in Salesflare as single tag and not multiple.

In the example above it would show in the contact as [PPC,Lead] instead of [PPC] [Lead].

Has anyone experienced the same, and/or is there a solution I am just missing?


Side Note: The create Account flow has the same tags instruction, but works. The Create opportunity tag has a slightly different instruction of "For multiple tags, enter tags in this format "tag1", "tag2". Which I have also tried in the contact flow, but it returns the same outcome, just with " ".
The only solution I have found is running the Create Contact flow twice, with all the same info, but a different tag. Which is not ideal, but seems to work.


  • Create Contact Tags result.JPG
    Create Contact Tags result.JPG
    8.8 KB · Views: 94
  • Create Contact Tags.JPG
    Create Contact Tags.JPG
    13.1 KB · Views: 97


Staff member
Hi @jmmarketing,

Could you please make a short screen recording showing this concern in your workflow setup by adding the multiple tags in this manner tags1,tags2 and it being added as a single tag in Salesflare? This will help us better understand the issue, and I will have my team investigate it.


Staff member
Thank you for sharing the video. We will look into this issue and get back to you with an update soon.


Staff member
Thank you for sharing the credentials. Our team will look into this concern, and we will get back to you regarding it.

P.S. We have created two accounts and two opportunities in your Saleflare account for testing. You can delete them. Additionally, we have created a contact for testing tags; please avoid deleting the contact for now.


Staff member
We have made some changes at the backend. The issue of comma-separated tags being added as a single tag in the 'Create a Contact' action step has been fixed now. Please check the same at your end.