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Scheduler Related + Birthday Reminder

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Active member
I need to enable different timings on the Birthday Reminder Sheet & send a message in that chosen time slot only!

For this, I can enable router which will Filter & Match the Time given and Input in a New Google Sheet.
This google sheet will be specifically for that "time slot" only!
There are 69 different time options available in the sheet.

Is there anyway around this... so I don't need to create 69 Google sheets & 69 workflows


MASTER Workflow
(Router Enabled here + Google Sheet (Add Row) Trigger ... This will add the row if it matches that particular time chosen!

There will be one google sheet per time slot. Hence 69 total time slots for every 15 minutes.

I need a better solution!

I was informed by your team, that the Iterator + Delay + Router functionality is not working properly earlier... This would definitely make things easier for me... Everything I mentioned above would come in One Workflow instead of 69 Workflows!

Any other solution to this, please?


Hey @zest83

If you want to send a message according to the time assigned by you in google sheets then please check out the following shared workflow.

I hope this might help you out.



Active member
Is there a way to start the scheduler at 12 AM EveryDay for this workflow...

Or the Beginning time does not matter...?

Because as per UTC... 6.30 PM would be 12 AM next day IST correct?

You have put the time as 12:11 utc ... Which means the scheduler will run the workflow at 5.41 PM


Active member
Please check the Workflow you created and shared.
When I changed the UTC time to 19.30 and did a SAVE & TEST

It threw an Error


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Hey @zest83

Kindly reconnect the "Google Sheets: Get Row(s)" action step, since you haven't connected your Goggle Sheets.



Hey @zest83

Since the Delay action step takes the date-time in UTC format, you have to first convert the time in UTC from IST to use the action step.

Though we have already set the action step for you, kindly give a test submission to your workflow and let us know where the workflow is getting stuck.



Active member
Hey @zest83

Since the Delay action step takes the date-time in UTC format, you have to first convert the time in UTC from IST to use the action step.

Though we have already set the action step for you, kindly give a test submission to your workflow and let us know where the workflow is getting stuck.

View attachment 10188
tried a real time test

Tried the workflow, its not working!

Google Sheet link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1d7sVDR4rGWX9GmcPj8fAKXdx04p9oFu7hVR9Y_aeLuA/edit?usp=sharing
Last edited:


Hey @zest83

As we can see from your account, the workflow (Daily Reminder - Multiple Timings in One Workflow) seems working fine.

If you getting confused about how you have to pass the time in the Schedule trigger then kindly convert the desired time at which you want to run the workflow. Though we have already mentioned that in the help text.

Kindly alter the time according to the UTC from IST and then pass it on.



Active member

Not confused anymore
But its not working ... the workflow is not sending messages at the given time as per the google sheet

You set up the workflow
Please could you check and tell me, what is not working...?
Coz the messages are not being sent... as per the time mentioned in the google sheet

Please help on the same


Hey @zest83

Kindly add birthday and time in one column eg - YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss and then the recapture the Get Rows action step, pass the Date Time in the " Date/Time Formatter by Pabbly: Format Date with Time Zone".

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