• Instructions to Ask a Question

    Click on the "Ask a Question" button and select the application for which you would like to ask questions.

    We have 5 different products namely - Pabbly Connect, Pabbly Subscription Billing, Pabbly Email Marketing, Pabbly Form Builder, Pabbly Email Verification.

    The turnaround time is 24 hrs (Business Hours - 10.00 AM to 6.00 PM IST, Except Saturday and Sunday). So your kind patience will be highly appreciated!

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    🔥 Pabbly Connect One Time Plan for $249 (🏆Lifetime Access) -  View offer 

    🔥 Pabbly Subscription Billing One Time Plan for $249 (🏆Lifetime Access) - View offer

Shopify - API changes


I have received an email from Shopify about API changes, and indicate that the Pabbly shopify app has some breaking changes. Please can you investigate and update your Shopify app?
"We’re sending you this email because one or more apps installed on your Shopify store are making calls to APIs that will be removed soon and will soon be unsupported. These apps must be updated by a developer to continue working normally.

We encourage you to forward this email to the partner or developer who maintains your apps, and have them update your apps based on the information below.
If you don’t currently have a developer maintaining your apps, you can hire a Shopify expert.

What your developer needs to know

One or more of your custom apps have made deprecated API calls in the last 7 days. Support for these versions will be removed very soon. Please update the apps listed below to API version 2023-07 or later to ensure they continue to function correctly.

Store: xxxxx

App: Pabbly
Breaking changes:

- The delivery_category field has been removed from the ShippingLine REST Admin API.

To learn more about unsupported apps, read our Unsupported Apps guide. If you still have questions, chat with us in the API forums or contact us via Support."


Well-known member
Staff member
Following our discussion with the Integration team, it has been confirmed that we are operating on the latest Shopify version, specifically the 2024-01 update, across all actions and triggers.