- Your Task History ID
I have a workflow that is designed to receive an email that has an attachment, give the attachment a sensible name, and upload to a specific folder in Google Drive.
When I test, each individual step of the workflow is correct, including saving to the Google Drive with the correct name.
However, when it runs automatically, I get the text of the email in filename instead of the result of my text formatter.
For example, for an email that starts with the following body text: "---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Cloudflare <[email protected]> Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2025 at 04:15 Subject: Your"
The steps are as follows:
But the file name when the workflow runs as an automation is in the format YYYYMMDD_EmailText
So the file names are extremely long and meaningless, eg 20250220_Hello FirstName Lastname, Attached is a copy of your invoice .............. Best, Cloudflare Billing Team
Can anyone see what is wrong or give advice about how to troubleshoot this?
I have entered a Task History ID in the box below, but it has happened on other occasions, and the email does not always come from Cloudflare.
I have a workflow that is designed to receive an email that has an attachment, give the attachment a sensible name, and upload to a specific folder in Google Drive.
When I test, each individual step of the workflow is correct, including saving to the Google Drive with the correct name.
However, when it runs automatically, I get the text of the email in filename instead of the result of my text formatter.
For example, for an email that starts with the following body text: "---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Cloudflare <[email protected]> Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2025 at 04:15 Subject: Your"
The steps are as follows:
- Email Parser (Pabbly).
I have set up a mailhook email address and in my Gmail filters have specified the emails I want forwarded to that email address
- Filter (Pabbly)
Checks that the email received does actually have an attachment. If so, it does...
- Date Time Formatter (Pabbly)
Takes the Header Date in format "Ddd, DD Mmm YYYY THH:mm:ss Z" and outputs the date in format "YYYYMMDD". eg 20250220
- Text Formatter (Pabbly)
Takes the Body Text of the email received and gets the From email name by looking for the text after "From:{{space}}" and before "{{space}}<" eg Cloudflare
- Google Drive: Upload a file
URL: Attachment link from step 1
Folder Id: goes into the right folder
File Name: Result from Step 3 then an underscore character (_) then the Result from Step 4, so 20250220_Cloudflare
But the file name when the workflow runs as an automation is in the format YYYYMMDD_EmailText
So the file names are extremely long and meaningless, eg 20250220_Hello FirstName Lastname, Attached is a copy of your invoice .............. Best, Cloudflare Billing Team
Can anyone see what is wrong or give advice about how to troubleshoot this?
I have entered a Task History ID in the box below, but it has happened on other occasions, and the email does not always come from Cloudflare.