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Warning: Invalid page id or form id


I just wanted to set up a new workflow as always and now its the first time that I am getting some error, called "Warning: Invalid page id or form id"!

I chose "Facebook Lead Ads" with the Trigger Event "New Instant" and connected to my accountas always. So it connected without problems.
After that I chose the correct "Page" and the correct "LeadGen Form" and pressed "Save" or "Save & Send Test Request".
When I click one of those buttons, no matter which one, I am getting this mentioned error.

Also when I try to choose another "Page" or another "LeadGen Form", its always showing that Warning.
It seems to be a general problem and nothing on my side.

I did everything as before and don't know what could be the problem.

Can somebody help me with this or tell me what this Wanring will tell me or what is missing?

Thank you in advance!

Ben Clauß

invalid page id or form id.PNG


Hey @bclauss !

Kindly provide us with the workflow URL in which you are facing the issue?

Also, before providing us with the URL, kindly once create a new connection with Facebook Leads and check if its showing the same issue with the new connection or not.

Hope, to hear from you soon.


Hey @pavansaih !

Kindly create a new connection for Facebook Leads and use the below-mentioned trigger step and check if this works for you or not-


Do check and let us know about it.


Hey together, I was out for 2 days and then came back and did the same again, and it worked now.
I think it was an internal issuie from Pabbly.