Neo Wang
Please add company(Organization) in flowlu opportunity, thanks.
And there are always two Response ID when I map cusotmer: res1 Response ID, res2 Response ID, which one should I select? I select res1 Response ID, I can't tell what's different with them,
But I got error in Flowlu opportunity, I can see customer in opportunity, but I can't add company, every time add company, customer will delete, only left Company, and can't add costomer, I need delete company, then add cusomter and company again.
It's working fine before flowlu update.
Please help, thanks.
Please add company(Organization) in flowlu opportunity, thanks.
And there are always two Response ID when I map cusotmer: res1 Response ID, res2 Response ID, which one should I select? I select res1 Response ID, I can't tell what's different with them,
But I got error in Flowlu opportunity, I can see customer in opportunity, but I can't add company, every time add company, customer will delete, only left Company, and can't add costomer, I need delete company, then add cusomter and company again.
It's working fine before flowlu update.
Please help, thanks.