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Search results

  1. J

    google calendar to whatsapp integration

  2. J

    google calendar to whatsapp integration

    hi, I did as suggested but there is no delay in message sent
  3. J

    google calendar to whatsapp integration

    Hi, I followed the steps but the message is not delayed. https://connect.pabbly.com/workflow/share/CkJZa18ICGtXHVA9AUpRdlpOV1NVDFY0XEUGFFBfBn5SHAFEVhcAag5CVnQAWwFgVx4JYw9QDGwPG1JWCV8BclFLUW5dQlEMVmVSFwZZWHIKaA## here is my workflow. Please help! thank you
  4. J

    google calendar to whatsapp integration

    1. some of the meeting scheduled in google calendar are in person meetings while others are online. For the online meetings, we wish to include the meeting link in the whatsapp message. The lesson template is found below. I use the same template for both online and in centre meeting. Problem is...
  5. J

    unable to send whatapps message when goggle forms is submitted

    Problem: unable to send whatsapp message with submission of google forms. I watched the instruction videos several times, and my workflow is still not working Initially, the message templates did not show up. I figured out why. Thats because the videos did not show how to select the whatsapp id...
  6. J

    unable to send whatapps message to customer with google forms submission

    Hi, I have created the messages in meta and they have been approved. But the message template is not showing in pabbly connect. I can only see hello world. Please help!
  7. J

    unable to send whatapps message to customer with google forms submission

    Hi I am trying to send a message to my customer after he/she fills in google form. I followed the instructions and created a message template in whataspp manager. However the message template does not show up in pabbly connect. The default hello world message keeps popping up and I can only send...